Monday, July 26, 2010

Tchau Portugal, Hello London!

Many thanks to Acacio and Maria and Stephanie for such a WONDERFUL time in Portugal!! Because of no internet there, I'm sorry I wasn't able to blog much... or anything... but pictures to come! Pictures from Mauna's camera, because of no camera battery charging for me.

I have now spent my first 24 hours in London and have learned the following [pics to come when I get Mauna's camera, again]:

1) Newbury is NOWHERE near Central London.

2) A Holiday Inn Express hotel room at 2:30am on Sunday night after 2.5 hours of flight, 1.5 hours of lines/border control, and 45 minutes of super expensive taxi fair = a heaven I have never before known. Especially with a terrible case of the Turkish/Portuguese sniffles.

3) RyanAir is cheap but cute and efficient! Sorry to the French Canadian lady next to me for my sniffling, sneezing, and coughing! I tried to cough the other way, I really did!

4) WE SURVIVED THE UNDERGROUND! DURING RUSHOUR! HOORAY! I was very proud of myself, even though we got a teensy bit lost. :D

5) So apparently London Bridge is now actually just a bridge... but with a very nice riverside are to walk around.

6) Tate Modern art museum is free of charge! Who knew?

7) We visited Shakespeare's Globe Theater. It was worth the trip entire for me.

8) Now off to some room service and SLEEP!!! Less than 2 days until Seattle. I'm so excited! Y'all ready for me again?

9) Miss you!

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