Friday, August 6, 2010

So, I guess this is Goodbye :')

Ciao! Güle güle! Adios! Tchau! Bye!

Last post, y'all.

See below for my final projects for my Art History course I took this summer with Professor Lisa Schultz (sorry Lisa -- hope you don't mind scrolling down a bit for grading!). Everyone post nice comments so she gives me a high score. :)

The projects are: a research essay -- She Catches Your Eye: The Madonnelles and their Impact on the Everyday Life of a Roman; and a photo essay -- One Country’s Trash Is Another’s Culture: Images of Trash Collection in Istanbul and Rome, and their Implications.

I've been back in the US of A a good week and a half. Below is a short list of things I had forgotten in my time away:

1) Northwest weather is confusing. It rains on me even when I am actually brave enough to pull out my Rome skirt. :(

2) My mom cooks a lot better than I do. Like a lot.


4) My cousin Wesley leaves for Italy in just a few short days! WESLEY TAKE ME WITH YOUUU

5) My good ole Macbook laptop (which I left at home for fear of European travel damage) has a keyboard much larger than the one I borrowed from the Honors program. And is much sexier. <3! I missed you, baby!

6) I rather like it here.

And last, but not least:

7) Missed you.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Molly. I am sooo glad you are home.. but I am soooo going to miss this blog.. You have made your Rome adventure absolutely fascinating and enjoyable for me.. If any of your instructors read this.. I would give you a double A++.. a 10.0 (out of 4.0).. 20 smiley faces.. 100 stars.. love you so much.. xo a.p.
