Sunday, June 20, 2010

What up, Pantheon?

I got up REALLY early to post on blog, but then wasn't able to post because of some sort of "html" trouble. Silly computers. It was pretty traumatic, because apparently coffee shops don't open early on Sundays here?? I didn't get the (SUPER CHEAP) Cappuccino until about 10:30a (and I was up at 7 am here, which is pretty crazy for me!).

1) It's really cool to be able to say "Hey guys, we're headed off to the Pantheon in a few minutes, wanna go?" It was pretty, big, and FILLED WITH TOURISTS! We all felt silly walking over to the Pantheon when we realized that none of us knew was actually used for... as it turns out, it is a place of worship! We'll be learning more this week from one of our art history presenters.

2) FOOD. GOOD. My breakfasts so far have been this delicious Italian yogurt (which is a lot more saucy and milky that the Yoplait stuff at home) with Italian Bran Cereal (look mom, I'm being healthy!) -- then Yuting and I go get cappuccino and WiFi at a Cafe nearby. Yesterday we FEASTED at the welcome dinner -- I think it was my first meal with more than one or two courses! A four course Italian meal, with three kinds of dessert and espresso to top it off. The first course (called antipasto) was an appetizer like thing - we had squid sushi, caprese, and a vegetable dish! The second (primo) was risotto with sausage (ahaha not vegetarian in Italy!), and the next (secondo) was some sort of pork thing...? My favorite part of the meal was THE DESSERT -- baked peaches with cherries and marzipan, chocolate-orange torta cake, and tiramisu! Finished with the espresso shot, in the littlest cups ever!

3) My apartment is darling, with cute Ikea decorations. Biggest problem has been the bathroom -- absolutely NO hot water today, so my shower just wasn't chilly but ICE COLD. It doesn't drain very well, but I will persevere, and perhaps come back to the states rather smelly. Here are some pictures! I wake up to the most Italian view I could ever think of. :)

4) Miss you!


  1. Wonderful view and the food descriptions are making us hungry! Great to get your photos and makes your adventure more close to us and that you're not so far away! Love, Mom & Dad

  2. Girls are stinky anyway so no one will notice! Hope you have a great time. It looks so fun!
    Love, your uncle John

  3. I just discovered how to view comments!

    Miss you so much, I will drink so much espresso for Liz!

    Wesley will have SO MUCH FUN here, and eat so much pizza. :) It is everywhere. And delicious.


    Love and miss you, will try to keep updating lots! Ciao!
